Thursday, September 10, 2009


We've been lying like this for much of the day. It's how we're lying now as I type, except he's sleeping :)


  1. oh, I LOVE this picture. You look so happy and just meant for each other. thank you for sharing it!

  2. Such a fantastic picture! :)

    Sarah Hope

  3. It really is wonderful--so great of both of you and Alex, you look so relaxed! You look absolutely content. ;-)

  4. Thanks, everyone! raf is such a sweety and one of my favourite things is to lie like this with him. I can't believe how big he's getting, though. It makes me feel a little teary as he's fast growing out his 0-3 clothes. Indeed he can't fit in most of them and is now in his big boy drawer :)

  5. The big boy drawer! How exciting. ;-)

  6. the newborn stage is so fleeting... sometimes it can be hard to remember when you are right in the middle of it... but really, but after a few weeks it is over ... i think it is why people are drawn to newborns - because we are all so new for so little time. already i find myself sighing at newborns that i see and leila is only 9 months old!
