Friday, July 24, 2009

First Bath...

Rafi is more than two weeks old, but until this evening we'd not bathed him.. not even a sponge bath! Our poor child. So this evening I felt embarrassed enough to give him his first bathing experience. Frankly Rich and I had been worried that we might drop him! Fortunately we managed not to, and whilst he didn't love it, he didn't seem too traumatized.

So here is the event in pics...

(in other news, Rafi has his 2 week check up with Deb. He is gaining lots of weight. He's already at 8 pounds 4. What a big fella he's becoming. He got to see some of his favourite people at the Dr's. Bernie and Casey, deb's assistants, are so sweet to him! He just loves it :)


  1. Oh, adorable! What a cute, clean little guy!

    Alex--how about a visit from Sage and me tomorrow? I'm sorry you're in a bit of funk. Motherhood is joyful and wonderful and all of that! But I think sometimes people don't talk enough about the hard parts--the parts that can make us a bit blue. And if you're like me, you become even bluer because you might not feel allowed to admit to such feelings. But it's all part of the package--one of the many, many paradoxes of parenthood! ;-)

    Thinking of you all!


  2. aw, what dinky little legs! he is so so cute.

    I have had your congrats card on my desk now since pre-birth and the gifts I am so terrible. I must bloody send them or he'll get too big for them!!!

  3. so sorry about the funk. if you ever want to chat feel free as i will definitely understand having gone through PPD four times now... (not that i'm saying you have PPD). your wise friend jen is right - parenthood is a mixed package and brings to life complex feelings (esp. the first time around). i'm here if you need me.

    kate xx

  4. Thanks, you wise women!

    Deb said that it was very normal for my mood to be up and down.. which is reassuring. mostly it's been good, especially when a) I get some exercise in; b) when Rich is home; c) when I get out the house. I just returned from my first bike ride of the year and it was wonderful to get out in the fresh air (though the torrential rain towards the end wasn't so nice!).

    Today we have a photo-shoot for Rafi!!! I've never been to a proper photographer before, so this should be fun! And then Jen is coming to visit this afternoon :)

  5. aww Alex, so adorable
    what more can i say?


  6. what a gorgeous kid!

  7. Alex,

    OMG, he's absolutely beautiful! I love the picture of him wrapped in his green towel. Just adorable!

  8. Awesome how unlike-50% of stupid American parents, the British don't circumcise their boys.
