Friday, May 8, 2009

Diaper Joy

Oh, my! Some diapers arrived today... 3 extra small fitted, 'Thirsties' diapers in extra small. They are so tinsy tiny..


  1. Oh my god. Those (and you!) are TOO CUTE!

    Ack! How adorable! Wait 'till Rafi gets to be a teenager. I can embarrass him by telling him how I saw his underpants when he was little :).

    Love you,

  2. So sweet, for our little monkey-boy!

  3. they are teeny! it is amazing how small they start out & also how quickly they grow. Leila was in the new born size for about 8 weeks :)

  4. Aren't they adorable!!! I'm just imagining his little chubby legs wiggling from these little cute diapers.

    When at my prenatal massage yesterday, the massage therapist (who is also pregnant and happens to be due a day after us!) came out with one of her client's baby. Oh my, he was a tinsy thing at just 5 weeks old. I haven't really been around babies and I'm always amazed at their size...

  5. aw so cute.

    you poor thing you looked knackered, sweety xx

  6. I am, Lou! I guess this little guy has me in sleep-deprivation training. I'm going to try and get some naps in everyday from here on out. I actually fell asleep yesterday lunchtime... :)

  7. actually i'm curious (having never used cloth diapers...) how do you get by with only three?!

  8. Oh we need a LOT!!! We're using a combo of prefolds (we have 12), fitteds (we only have three so far but we're experimenting which different brands) and all in ones/pockets. We have some one-size pocket diapers too, which don't need covers. My sis-in-law, Alice, sent us plenty of small cover-wraps, but we could do with some extra smalls for the first couple of months. We have on our registry some one-size covers, too...

    The fitteds (which these are), are a bit of a luxury for night time and when we're out... I think all in all we'll need 24 diapers/covers to get us through 2 days (time to wash and dry). I think we're going to use disposable for the first few days, though... I heard that those first few poops stain!!!!!!

  9. Not 24 covers.. just enough covers to deal with 24 dirty nappies!!

  10. okay that makes more sense :) and yes, those meconium poos are nasty!
