Raf's weeks are usually very busy, with Monday swim class, school Tues-Thurs, dance class on Friday, gym class on Saturday mornings, and usually a birthday party, too. He's only 4! What will the teen years bring us, I wonder. When at home he really has fun with his magnet tiles he received at Christmas... usually he builds some sort of house, garage, or depot for his trains, trucks, and cars.
Last Sunday was Raf's best friend's 5th birthday party! It was a super fun event at a local bowling place. It was Raf's first time, and he was pretty good at it! He even had a spare (whatever that means!)
Raf and his friends Rowan and Elier.
The birthday boy!
Birthday hugs!
On Monday, with more snow, Rich and Raf built a snowman!
A hug for his friend.
And then it was to swim class.
Early morning train playing with his brother.
A good morning from his bunk bed....
After a good night from his bunk...
Backwards roly poly at his gym class.
Getting so big!